Monday, April 25, 2016

parts of your project report

Service Specification:

1 Service One-Line Description
The Smart water filter manages water level automatically in the filter.

2 Service Abstract
The takes care of water level in the filter. It monitors the water level continuously and refills when water water level gets low. Temperature and humidity are measured and every hour and average values are calculated per day. Average water which is to be consumed is compared against water which is consumed now. Total water consumption is measured and average water consumption per person is calculated and these stats are sent to users.

3 Service Context
The usage context for the Smart water filter is shown in below figure. The service is intended to be used by any house, school, college, office or public place. It also provides stats about water consumption by the family members.

Services in smart water filter

4 Intended Utilization Scenarios
The intended utilization scenario is water filter management without manual intervention by a family. In this scenario, water filter will be used by all the family members and they need not to manually fill the filter every time. Whenever the water level in filter gets low water valve turns on and then water will be refilled automatically. Family receives stats about water consumption.

Functional View Specification: 

1 Goals
The overall goal of this project is threefold:
• Reduce manual intervention in water filling system for filter
• Provide a perfect water management system for filter
• Provide stats about water consumption for users

2 Audience
The target user for this site will be for all age groups. Its is useful for everyone who wants a smart water filter. Target site users will enjoy the comfort of getting free from continuous monitoring of water level.

3 Project Phases 

This project is divided into two phases:

In Phase 1: created a site map, strategic brief and this specification, as well as hosting hardware specifications and creating the visual design for the site.

Phase 2:  will introduce interactive tools that individuals can maintain. Prepare system to report users about water consumption.


The smart water filter will also implement an opt-in email system. Family members will be able to subscribe to receive stats about water consumption for the current temperature and humidity

Hardware and Hosting

Hosting specifications and configuration

Raspberry pi
ultrasonic sensor
water valve
9v battery
connecting wires
water filter

Operational View Specification:

In operational view specification, various options pertaining to IOT system deployment and operation are defined, such as, service hosting options, storage options, device options, application hosting options, etc.

Functional groups to operational view specifications for the smart water filter can be mapped to IOT system as follows;
Devices: Computing Device (ESP8266 Node MCU WiFi Module), Raspberry Pi, Ultrasonic Sensor(to measure water level), Relay, water valve, DHT11
Communication APIs: Internet (HTTP and REST APIs).
Communication Protocols: link layer - 802.11, network layer - IPv4/IPv6, transport layer - TCP, and application layer - HTTP.
Controller Service: Arduio IDE, implemented in c, and runs as a native service.

Database: Google SpreadSheet

Application Management: automatic
Database Management: Google Spreadsheet database management.
Device Management: Arduino - ESP8266 Node MCU WiFi Module device management. 

the operational view of Smart water filter looks as below:

Operations Overview

above picture gives the flow from start to end. explains how each and every operation in the project is done.

Device and Component Integration:

In Device and Component Integration design methodology describes the integration of the devices and components. In this smart water filter IOT project the devices and components used are, Arduino ESP8266 Node MCU WiFi module, Ultrasonic sensor, DHT11, water valve and relay.

Integration of Node MCU and Ultrasonic Sensor, water valve, relay and battery:

Circuit Diagram

All the devices are connected as shown in the above diagram. As arduino has maximum of 5v we are using relay to operate water valve. Relat takes 5v signal from arduino and operated the water valve with help of external power supplying agent.

DHT11 integration for reading temperature and humidity:

DHT11 setup

Smart Water Filter setup


Monday, April 18, 2016

Fundemental parts of project

Smart Water Filter:

0.1 Introduction:


The purpose of this document is to present a detailed explanation of Smart Water FIlter. This will describe us  purpose and features of the system, the interface of the system, what the system will do, the constraints under which it must operate and how the system will react to external stimuli. This document is intended for both the stakeholders and developers of  system.

1.0 Purpose & Requirements Specification

1.1 Purpose of Project:

Over the past few years, the definition of “Smart Home” has evolved to mean many things to many people. Yet, one thing remains constant: part of being “smart” is utilizing information and communications technology (ICT) and the Internet to address urban challenges. My project is related to Home Automation in IoT.

Home automation: This is where a home’s electrical devices are connected to a central system that automates those devices based on user input. For example, you push a button and your shades go up, or you give a voice command and your lights turn on.

Connected devices: These are electrical devices that are intelligent, courtesy of a connection to the Internet and sensors. These devices know or are able to anticipate what a user needs. At first, this intelligence comes from user programming, but with time the device can learn and adapt to patterns and interact with its users.

Internet of Things: IoT is the magic dust that turns the automated home into the smart home. With a combination of sensors, smarts and systems, IoT connects everyday objects to a network, enabling those objects to complete tasks and communicate with each other, with no user input.

Smart Water Filter is a prat of smart home project which belong to Home Automation in IoT.

1.2 Behavior :

Water filter will be monitored continuously and it is refilled automatically without any manual intervention. Water consumption stats are collected and minimum amount of water which is to be consumed based on the weather conditions is measured and sent to the users. This can be used at home, office,schools, college or any public places.

1.3 System Management Requirement:

This system provides remote monitoring  and control function. Administrator will be appointed based of the size of institution, who monitors sensors, water management issues, timing issues (delay in water supply). He also monitors the quality of water and manage stats about water consumption.

1.4 System Hardware Requirements:

Equipment Required:
Raspberry Pi
Ultrasonic Sensor
Water valve
Pipe for water
water filter

1.5 Data Analysis Requirement:

System will maintain a repository to provide information about water consumption. System will also calculate the average water consumption by users and compare with the required water level consumed by normal person based on the weather conditions and should report it to user.

1.6 Application Deployment Requirement:

Smart Water Filters can be installed in any place. To install Smart Water Filter System in any institution will happen at once which may take few hours of shutdown of water supply for few hours. Internet connection is mandatory for these devices which can be provided with WiFi or Ethernet. These devices fetches and update the information from/in to a database, which is located on a web-server. User should be connected with internet to get the updates on water consumption statistics.

2.0 Process Specification:

2.1  Use case diagrams:

2.2 Sensor level diagram :

Ultrasonic sensor continuously monitors water level in filter . If it finds that water level is minimum then it turns on water valve until filter is full an then turns off water valve it will update those details in Database. It does this process continuously.It updates water consumption levels to database.

2.3 Process Diagram:

3.0 Domain Model Specification:

4.0 IOT level Specification Model:

Smart water filter belongs to IOT Level-1 specification because it uses a single level node/sensor for collecting data and store it in local database. It also uses local analysis , Rest services. Project related diagrams which describes the elements relationships are provided below.

5.0 Information Model Specification:

6.0 Service Specification Model:
